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Honoring the American flag is a simple yet impactful way to express your patriotism and show respect for your country. Whether it’s a national holiday or an everyday symbol of pride, following proper etiquette is important to display the flag appropriately.

Here are some key guidelines to ensure you display the flag correctly and respectfully:
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 Hang Your Flag from a Staff Angling Outwards or Vertically from a Pole 

When displaying your flag outdoors, it should be hung from a staff or pole. If you choose to mount it on a staff, ensure it angles outwards from your home or another structure.

This method is not only visually appealing but also respectful, as it allows the flag to wave freely in the breeze.

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 Be Sure the Canton Is Always at the Peak 

First, what is a canton?

the blue rectangle with stars on the American flag.

When hanging the flag vertically or horizontally, ensure the canton is at the upper left corner from the observer’s perspective. This position signifies honor and respect, making it clear that the flag is displayed with reverence.

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 Illuminate Your Flag When Hanging It Overnight 

If you wish to display the flag at night, it must be properly illuminated. This can be achieved by positioning a light source specifically to shine on the flag, ensuring it remains visible and respected even after the sun sets.

Without illumination, the flag should be respectfully taken down and stored until morning.

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 Be Sure to Position Your Flag in the Most Prominent Position When Displayed with Other Flags 

When the American flag is displayed alongside other flags, it should always occupy the position of honor.

In the United States, this means the flag should be at the center and highest point when displayed with a group of state, local, or organizational flags. This position signifies its importance and the respect it commands.

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 Use It as a Drapery, Bedspread, or Ceiling Décor 

The flag should never be used as a decoration that drapes over objects or covers surfaces. This includes using it as a bedspread, curtain, or ceiling décor. Such uses are considered disrespectful to the flag.

Instead, use patriotic-themed decorations that do not replicate the flag.

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 Allow the Flag to Touch the Ground, Floor, Water, or Anything Else Beneath It 

The flag should always be kept off the ground and other surfaces beneath it. Allowing the flag to touch the ground, floor, or water is seen as a sign of disrespect.

Always handle the flag with care, ensuring it is neatly folded or displayed high enough to avoid contact with anything below.

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 Check out for more guidelines on properly displaying the flag. 

By following these simple, significant guidelines, you can display the flag at home with the respect and honor it deserves,  while fostering a sense of community and shared values among you and your neighbors. 

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